Our ESAP online courses will be offered for a reduced fee for summer 2021. The new program fee is $4850. Students will still receive 1 Penn cu upon completion of the program. Please note that some course details may be subject to change, as this summer’s course is being developed.
This course is designed to give students an overview of nanotechnology. The course consists of lectures, invited lectures, lab sessions, a challenge project and group presentations. Students will learn fundamentals of nanotechnology and fabrication methods from lectures. Many invited lecturers from various areas (faculty, engineer, and entrepreneur) will share their leading-edge research, real-world engineering and industrial startup experiences with students. Students will perform hands-on processing and characterization through lab @ home. Students will also experience nanotechnologies through demos and tours at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology and faculty labs at Penn. Each student will have public speech opportunities to present their experiments and a challenge project with peers.
All lectures and labs will be done via Zoom. Attendance will be part of the grade.
Lecture and Lab (Mon – Fri) – 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM EDT, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT
Lunch – (mostly) 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EDT, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM PDT
Office hours (Mon – Fri) – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT and lunch time
Students are required to have their own computer or laptop with access to a microphone and a webcam (this is built-in on most modern machines). You must also have strong/ reliable internet service. Most course-specific lab materials and any software will be provided free of charge.